{ "TITLE": { "BOOK_NOW": "Book Now", "CHANGE": "Change", "RETRY": "Retry", "FOOTER_COPYRIGHT": "Copyright OnceHub [[copyrightYear]], All rights reserved.", "HELP": "Help", "CHANGE_SELECTION": "Change selection", "PREVIOUS_STEP": "Previous step", "PREVIOUS_STEPS": "Previous steps", "LOADING_TEXT": "Loading...", "SAVING_TEXT": "Saving...", "SCHEDULING_TEXT": "Finalising your booking… Please wait", "SESSIONS": "Sessions", "TIMES": "Times", "SEND_SMS_NOTIFICATION_TEXT": "OK to send me booking notifications via SMS", "ONLINE_TITLE": "Online appointment scheduling", "ONLINE_DESCRIPTION": "Pick a date and time that works for you - it's fast and easy.", "SKIP_TO_MAIN_CONTENT": "Skip to main content", "EDIT_YOUR_TIME_ZONE": "Edit your time zone", "EDIT_MEETING_DURATION": "Edit meeting duration", "PROCEED_TO_NEXT_STEP": "Proceed to next step", "SCHEDULE": "Confirm your booking", "SHOW_PREVIOUS_MONTH": "Show the previous month with available slots", "SHOW_NEXT_MONTH": "Show the next month with available slots", "NO_AVAILABLE_TIME": "No available time slots for [[day]] [[month]]", "SHOW_AVAILABLE_TIME": "Show available time slots for [[day]] [[month]]", "EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Email address", "HOME_PAGE": "Home page", "FAQ": "Read a help article", "VISIT_FACEBOOK_PAGE": "Visit [[pageLink]] Facebook page", "VISIT_LINKEDIN_PAGE": "Visit [[pageLink]] LinkedIn profile", "VISIT_TWITTER_PAGE": "Visit [[pageLink]] Twitter page", "VISIT_WEBSITE": "Visit website", "WEBSITE_ICON": "Website icon", "RIGHT_ARROW_ICON": "Right arrow icon", "PHONE_ICON": "Phone icon", "MESSAGE_ICON": "Message icon", "CLEAR_TIME_SLOT": "Remove this time slot", "RESTORE_TIME_SLOT": "Restore this time slot", "APPLY_CHANGES": "Apply all changes", "CLOSE": "Close", "PHONE_NUMBER": "Phone number", "VIEW_PREVIOUS_SELECTIONS": "View previous selections", "PREV_SELECTION": "Selected ", "PREV_SELECTION_TIME_MULTI": "You have selected [[noOfTimes]] times", "CHANGE_LINK": "Change [[selectedLabel]] selection", "SELECT_TIME_ON_DATE": "Select [[time]] on [[date]]", "SELECTED_TIME_ON_DATE": "[[time]] on [[date]] selected", "CLEAR_ALL": "Clear all", "TAGS": "Tags", "SELECT_ITEM": "Select ", "CHANGE_ALL_SELECTED_TIMES": "Change all [[selectedTimes]] selected times", "CHANGE_SELECTED_TIME": "Change selected time", "CHANGE_YOUR_TIME_ZONE": "Change your time zone selection", "VIEW_EDIT_SELECTED_TIMES": "View and edit selected times", "SCROLL_DOWN_ARROW": "Scroll down for later times", "SCROLL_UP_ARROW": "Scroll up for earlier times", "ADD_TO_OUTLOOK": "Add this event to your Outlook Calendar", "ADD_TO_GOOGLE": "Add this event to your Google Calendar", "ADD_TO_APPLE": "Add this event to your Apple Calendar", "ADD_TO_MOBILE": "Add this event to your mobile or other calendar", "PAY_WITH_CARD": "Proceed to payment with a credit or debit card", "PAY_PAL": "Proceed to payment with PayPal", "RESTART_SCHEDULING": "Restart the scheduling process", "NO_AVAILABLE_TIMES": "No available times for [[meridiem]]", "FACEBOOK_ICON": "Facebook icon", "TWITTER_ICON": "Twitter icon", "LINKEDIN_ICON": "LinkedIn icon", "ELLIPSIS_ICON": "Ellipsis icon", "READ_MORE_OPEN": "Read full description of [[name]]", "READ_MORE_CLOSE": "Minimise description of [[name]]", "DONE_POPUP": "Approve and close pop-up", "DONE_PROCESS": "Confirm your booking request", "READ_MORE": "Read more", "SHOW_ALL_TAGS": "Show all", "SHOW_SINGLE_TAGS": "Show only [[tagName]]", "BROWSE": "Choose a file on your device", "DEMO_LABEL": "This is a demo. Give it a try - No one will call you.", "NEXT": "Next", "DONE": "Done", "APPLY": "Apply", "PAGE_TITLE": "Online scheduling", "SELECT_CATEGORY_FOR_PROVIDER": "Please select a category for providers", "ALL_TIMES_WILL_BE_DISPLAYED": "All times will be displayed according to your timezone", "SELECT_EVENT_TYPE": "Please select an event type", "SELECT_A_CATEGORY": "Please select a category", "BROWSE_BUTTON_VALUE": "Browse", "MIN": "min", "HOUR": "hour", "HOURS": "hours", "HOURS_AND_MIN": "[[hour]] hours and [[min]]", "SELECT_PROVIDER": "Please select a provider" }, "SO_POPUP": { "TITLE": "Your time zone", "SUB_TEXT": "All times will be displayed according to your time zone:", "SUB_TEXT_NO_TZ": "Set your time zone to correctly display times:", "COUNTRY_REQ_ERROR": "Please select your country", "COUNTRY_PLACEHOLDER": "Please select country", "TIME_ZONE_REQ_ERROR": "Please select your time zone region", "TIME_ZONE_PLACEHOLDER": "Please select time zone region" }, "SO_DURATION_POPUP": { "TITLE": "Select a duration", "DURATION_REQ_ERROR": "Please select a duration", "DURATION_PLACEHOLDER": "Select a meeting duration" }, "BOOKING_CALENDAR": { "TITLE": "Your time zone:", "READ_MORE": "Read more", "DURATION": "Duration:", "DATE_PRE_TEXT": "Available starting times for ", "PAGE_TITLE_1": "Suggest a date and time", "PAGE_TITLE_2": "Suggest [[slots]] possible times for this appointment", "PAGE_TITLE_3": "Select times for [[slots]] sessions", "PAGE_TITLE_4": "Pick a date and time", "BRIEFING_TITLE": "Common available times for", "BRIEFING_SUB_TITLE": "([[total]] analysts):", "BUTTON_CONTINUE": "Continue", "BUTTON_SCHEDULE": "Schedule", "BUTTON_CLOSE": "Close", "SELECTED_TIME": "Selected time:", "NO_DATE_TIME_ERROR": "There is no availability for the duration you selected. Please try a shorter duration.", "NO_DATE_ERROR": "There are no available times for this month. Please try the next month.", "LOADING_TEXT": "Retrieving all available time slots...", "LOADING_DELAY_TEXT": "Still retrieving... this may take a few more seconds", "PREVIOUS_MONTH": "Previous", "NEXT_MONTH": "Next", "MAP": "Map", "REQUIRED_RESCHEDULE_REASON": "Please provide a reschedule reason.", "TIMEZONE_DETECT_TEXT": "Did we get your time zone right? Change it if we missed.", "NO_AM_TIME": "No AM times", "NO_PM_TIME": "No PM times", "NO_BEFORE12_TIME": "No times before 12:00", "NO_AFTER12_TIME": "No times after 12:00", "CLEAR": "Clear", "CLEAR_ALL_SELECTIONS_TITLE": "Clear all selections and start over", "CLEAR_ALL_SELECTIONS": "Clear all selections and start over", "NO_TIMES_SELECTED": "No times selected", "SELECTED_ITEMS": "Selected times ([[totalSelections]] of [[outOf]]):", "PRICE": "Price", "MORE_TIMES_TO_GO": "[[totalSelections]] of [[maxSlotSelected]] times selected[[highlightedTextWithLineBreak]][[remainingSlots]] more required...[[highlightedText]]", "REMAINING_SLOTS_AVAILABLE": "[[totalSelectedSlots]] of [[maxSlotSelected]] times selected", "PRICE_FOR_TOTAL_SESSIONS": " for [[maxSlotSelected]] [[sessionPackageLabel]]", "BEFORE_HOURS": "Before 12:00", "AFTER_HOURS": "After 12:00" }, "BOOKING_FORM": { "HEADING_TEXT": "Provide information", "DATA_PRESENT_TEXT": "Data we already have", "HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_PROVIDED": "has already been provided", "RESCHEDULE_FEE": "Reschedule fee", "CONNECTION_ERROR": "The booking cannot be completed due to a temporary connection issue. Please try again later.", "CONNECTION_ERROR_HEADING": "Unable to complete booking", "SESSION_EXPIRE_HEADING": "Session expired", "SESSION_EXPIRE_MESSAGE": "The time you selected can only be held for 20 minutes.[[LINEBREAK]]Please reselect. [[LINEBREAK]][[LINEBREAK]]All other details have been saved.", "DOUBLE_BOOKING_ERROR_SINGLE_SLOT": "We apologise, but this time slot was just booked and is no longer available:", "DOUBLE_BOOKING_ERROR_MULTIPLE_SLOT": "We apologise, but these time slots were just booked and are no longer available:", "CONTROL_REQUIRED_ERROR": "Required field.", "EMAIL_CONTROL_REQUIRED_ERROR": "Enter a valid email.", "CONFIRM_EMAIL_CONTROL_REQUIRED_ERROR": "Email confirmation must match email field.", "MOBILE_CONTROL_REQUIRED_ERROR": "Enter a valid mobile phone number.", "MULTI_LINE_ERROR_LENGTH_EXCEEDED": "Too much text. Reduce number of characters.", "COUNTRY_CODE_REQUIRED_ERROR": "Country code is a required field.", "INVALID_FILE_TYPE_ERROR": "The file type you are trying to upload is not allowed.", "UPLOAD_ERROR": "Uploading failed. Please try again.", "DELETE_ATTACHED_FILE": "Delete attachment file", "CANCEL_ATTACHMENT_LOADING_PROCESS": "Cancel attachment loading process", "LARGE_FILE_ERROR": "The file you are trying to upload is larger than 5 MB. Please reduce the file size and try again.", "SALES_FORCE_PHONE": "Phone number will be included in your calendar invite.", "INQUIRY_NOTE_SUB_TEXT": "If you need to change the details of your request please contact inquiry@forrester.com", "BRIEFING_NOTE_SUB_TEXT": "If you need to change the details of your request please contact briefing@forrester.com", "COORDINATOR_EMAIL_TITLE": "Coordinator email", "COORDINATOR_EMAIL_SUB_TEXT": "This email address will be copied on the invitation and confirmation email.", "TIME_SLOTS_UNAVAILABLE": "Time slots not available", "TIME_SLOT_UNAVAILABLE": "Time slot not available", "SELECT_NEW_DATES_TIMES": "Please select new dates and times.", "SELECT_NEW_DATE_TIME": "Please select a new date and time.", "RESPONSE_DELAY_MESSAGE": "This may take up to 30 seconds. Do not close or refresh this page.", "SMS_OPT_IN_CONTROL_NAME": "SMS opt-in", "SMS_OPT_IN_CONTROL_TITLE": "SMS opt-in", "GENERIC_SINGLE_SESSION_SUBJECT": "Personal meeting", "CUSTOMER_GUESTS_REQUIRED_ERROR": "Enter up to 10 valid emails separated by commas", "IS_REQUIRED": "[[field]] is required.", "COUNTRY_CODE": "Country code", "PLEASE_SELECT": "Please select", "MISSING_TEMPLATE": "Template missing for control for library: [[libraryName]]: [[libraryType]]", "TIMES_NOT_AVAILABLE": "Times are not available", "APPOINTMENT_WITH": "Appointment with [[customerName]]", "SESSIONS_SCHEDULED": "[[minOptionsCount]] sessions scheduled", "OK_SEND_SMS_NOTIFICATION": "It's okay to send me booking notifications via SMS", "YOU_HAVE_SELECTED": "You have selected", "SLOTS_SELECTED": "[[sessionPackageLabel]] selected" }, "BOOKING_CONFIRMATION": { "PAYMENT_TEXT": "Payment", "TIME": "Time", "TIME_SUGGESSIONS": "Suggested times", "SESSIONS": "Sessions", "SUBJECT": "Subject", "SERVICE": "Event type", "BOOKING_ID": "Booking ID", "SESSION_PACKAGE_ID": "Session package ID", "BOOKING_CONFIRMED": "Your booking is confirmed", "BOOKING_RESCHEDULED": "Your booking is rescheduled", "SESSION_ARE_CONFIRMED": "Your sessions are confirmed", "CONFERENCING_INFO": "Conferencing information", "LOCATION_SHORT_DESCRIPTION": "This is a virtual meeting. The details have been sent to you.", "WHAT_NEXT": "What's next?", "BOOKINGS_UPDATED": "The events on your [[email]] calendar were updated.", "BOOKINGS_UPDATED_SECURE": "The events on your calendar were updated.", "BOOKINGS_ADDED": "The events were added to your [[email]] calendar.", "REQUEST_WILL_BE_REVIEWED": "Your request will be reviewed and a time will be confirmed with you.", "SESSIONS_RESCHEDULED": "Your sessions were rescheduled.", "BOOKING_REQUEST_RESUBMITTED": "Your booking request was resubmitted.", "BOOKING_REQUEST_SUBMITTED": "Your booking request was submitted.", "WILL_RECEIVE_CONFERENCING_INFO": "You will receive conferencing information when your request is approved.", "CALENDAR_EVENT_UPDATED_FOR_EACH_SESSION": "Conferencing information for each session is included in your calendar event.", "YOU_PAID_PRICE": "You paid [[servicePrice]] [[currency]]", "YOUR_BOOKING_DETAILS": "Your booking details", "ADD_TO_OUTLOOK_CALENDAR": "Add to Outlook Calendar", "ADD_TO_GOOGLE_CALENDAR": "Add to Google Calendar", "ADD_TO_APPLE_CALENDAR": "Add to Apple Calendar", "MOBILE_AND_OTHER_CALENDARS": "Add to mobile/other calendar", "ADD_THE_EVENT_TO_CALENDAR": "Add the event to your calendar", "MAP": "Map", "REDIRECTING_TEXT": "Redirecting...", "COUNTER_TEXT": "You will be redirected from this page in [[counter]] seconds", "BOOKING_UPDATED": "The event on your [[email]] calendar was updated.", "BOOKING_UPDATED_SECURE": "The event on your calendar was updated.", "BOOKING_ADDED": "An event was added to your [[email]] calendar.", "EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_SENT": "An email confirmation was sent to [[email]].", "SMS_CONFIRMATION_SENT": "An SMS confirmation was sent to [[phone]].", "ADD_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR": "Add to your calendar", "YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS": "your email address", "YOUR_MOBILE_PHONE": "your mobile phone", "A_CONFIRMATION_HAS_SENT": "A confirmation has been sent to your email address.", "A_CONFIRMATION_SMS_SENT": "An SMS message has been sent to your mobile phone.", "BRIEFING_CONFIRM_TEXT": "To share a Briefing deck or other material please email briefing@forrester.com.", "AMOUNT_PAID_FOR_SESSIONS": "[[price]] for [[totalSessions]] sessions", "CATEGORY": "Category", "YOU_PAID_PRICE_FOR_TOTAL_SESSIONS": "You paid [[servicePrice]] [[currency]] for [[totalSessions]] sessions.", "BOOKING_RESCHEDULED_CONFIRMED": "Your booking has been rescheduled", "MEETING_HAS_BEEN_UPDATED": "Your meeting has been updated", "SUFFIX_GUESTS_ADDED_MESSAGE": "and your guests", "SUFFIX_EVENT_ADDED_TO_GUESTS": "and your guests’ calendars", "MESSAGES": { "EMAIL_SENT_SCHEDULE": "An email confirmation was sent to you [[email]]", "CALENDAR_AUTO_SCHEDULE": "An event was added to your [[email]]", "CALENDAR_SESSION_SCHEDULE": "The events were added to your [[email]]", "EMAIL_SENT_RESCHEDULE": "A confirmation email was sent to you", "CALENDAR_AUTO_RESCHEDULE": "The event was updated on your", "CALENDAR_SESSION_RESCHEDULE": "The events were updated on your", "EMAIL_SENT_CANCEL": "An email confirming the cancellation was sent to you", "CALENDAR_AUTO_CANCEL": "The event was marked as cancelled on your", "CALENDAR_SESSION_CANCEL": "The events were marked as cancelled on your" }, "PROVIDER": "Provider", "PROVIDER_CATEGORY": "Provider category" }, "CANCEL_RESCHEDULE": { "RESCHEDULE_THE_BOOKING": "See available times", "RESCHEDULE_SESSION": "Reschedule session", "CANCEL_THE_BOOKING": "Cancel the booking", "CANCEL_THE_BOOKING_REQUEST": "Cancel the booking request", "RESCHEDULE_REASON": "Please provide a reschedule reason.", "RESCHEDULE_REASON_REQUIRED": "Reschedule reason required", "RESCHEDULE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_SESSION": "You must select at least one session that you wish to reschedule.", "RESCHEDULE_SELECT_SESSIONS": "Select sessions", "RESCHEDULE_NOT_POSSIBLE": "Rescheduling is not possible at this time.", "RESCHEDULE_NOT_CHARGEABLE": "You will not be charged a reschedule fee.", "RESCHEDULE_FEE": "Reschedule fee", "SESSION_EXPIRED_MESSAGE": "Your session has expired.", "SESSION_EXPIRED_HEADING": "Session expired", "CANCEL_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_SESSION": "You must select at least one session that you wish to cancel.", "CHECKING_TRANSACTION_STATUS": "Checking transaction status...", "BOOKING_ID": "Booking ID", "SESSION_PACKAGE_ID": "Session package ID", "SPECIFY_REASON_OF_CANCELING": "Cancellation reason is required", "CANCELLATION_REASON": "Cancellation reason", "INQUIRY": "inquiry", "BRIEFING": "briefing", "ENTER_CANCELLATION_REASON": "Please provide a cancellation reason.", "CANCELLATION_REASON_REQUIRED": "Cancellation reason required", "CANCELING_TEXT": "Cancelling...", "BOOKING_TEXT": "booking", "HAS_VERB": "has", "HAVE_VERB": "have", "SESSIONS_TEXT": "sessions", "SESSION_TEXT": "session", "TIME_TEXT": "Time", "REFUND_INFORMATION": "Refund information", "NO_KEEP_BOOKING": "Keep selected session", "CANCEL_SELECTED_SESSION": "Cancel selected session", "KEEP_THE_SESSIONS": "Keep the selected sessions", "REFUND_NOT_PROCESSED": "The refund cannot be processed. Please contact the person you were scheduled to meet.", "REFUNDED": "Refunded", "MEETING_CANCELED_ANALYST_INFORMED": "Your [[departmentName]] has been canceled and the analyst has been notified", "BOOKING_SUB_HEADING_CANCELED": "The event on your [[email]] calendar was marked as cancelled.", "BOOKING_SUB_HEADING_CANCELED_SECURE": "The event on your calendar was marked as cancelled.", "BOOKING_HEADER_ORGANIZER_INFORMED": "Your [[bookingText]] been cancelled and the meeting organiser has been notified.", "CANCEL_DEPT_NAME_QUE": "Are you sure you want to cancel the [[departmentName]]?", "CANCEL_DEPT_NAME": "Cancel the [[departmentName]]", "YOU_PAID": "You paid [[serPrice]]. You have already received a full refund.", "RESCHEDULE_FEE_REQUIRED": "A [[IS_DECIMAL_ALLOWED_CURRENCY]] [[currency]] reschedule fee is required.", "REFUND_STRING": "You will be refunded [[REFUND_AMT]].", "YOU_PAID_FOR_SERVICE": "You paid [[SER_PRICE]].", "REASON_FOR_RESCHEDULING": "Reason for rescheduling", "REQUEST_SUBMITTED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Your booking request was resubmitted", "HOW_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_UPDATE_BOOKING": "How would you like to update this booking?", "HOW_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_UPDATE_SESSIONS": "How would you like to update these sessions?", "BOOKING_IS_CANCELED": "Your [[bookingText]] has been cancelled and the meeting organiser has been notified.", "BOOKING_REQUEST_RECEIVED": "Your booking request has been received", "BOOKING_REQUEST_CANCELED": "Your booking request has been cancelled and the meeting organiser has been notified.", "CONFIRMED_BOOKING": "Your [[bookingText]] is confirmed", "SELECTED_TIMES_CANCELED": "Selected times have been cancelled and the meeting organiser has been notified.", "BOOKING_CANCELED_ORG_NOTIFIED": "Your booking has been cancelled and the meeting organiser has been notified.", "REFUND_AMOUNT_STR": "You received a refund of [[cancelRefundAmt]] [[currency]].", "NO_REFUND": "No refund has been issued.", "ALREADY_REFUNDED": "You have already received a full refund for the booking.", "YOUR_BOOKING_REQUEST_CANCELED": "Your [[bookingText]] request has been cancelled", "RESCHEDULE_CANCEL": "Reschedule or cancel your [[bookingText]]", "INBOUND_DATA_CURRENCY": "You were charged a total of [[IsDecimalAllowedCurrencyValue]] [[transactionCurrency]] for rescheduling the following sessions", "ALREADY_PAID": "A payment has already been made. No reschedule fee was charged.", "RESCHEDULE_FEE_PAID": "You paid a reschedule fee of [[servicePrice]] [[currency]].", "TIME_SUGGESTIONS": "Time suggestions", "REASON_OF_RESUBMITTING": "Reason for requesting new times", "RESUBMIT_THE_BOOKING": "Resubmit the booking request", "CONFERENCING_INFO": "Conferencing information for each session is included in your calendar event.", "RECEIVE_CONFERENCING_INFO": "You will receive conferencing information when your request is approved.", "SUBJECT": "Subject", "RESCHEDULE_NOW": "Reschedule Now", "CANCEL_INQUIRY": "Cancel the inquiry", "CANCEL_BRIEFING": "Cancel the briefing", "CANCEL_MEETING": "Cancel the meeting", "CANCEL_RESCHEDULE_TITLE": "Cancel the meeting and reschedule later", "CANCEL_RESCHEDULE_TEXT": "Please tell us why you are cancelling. You will receive a link to reschedule", "CANCELATION_REASON_INQUIRY": "Please tell us why you are canceling. If you would like to re-open your inquiry, please contact inquiry@forrester.com", "CANCELATION_REASON_BRIEFING": "Please tell us why you are canceling. If you would like to re-open your briefing, please contact briefing@forrester.com", "TIME_COMPLETED_MEETING": "The starting time for this meeting has already passed.", "CONTACT_PERSON": "Please contact the person you were scheduled to meet.", "TIME_COMPLETED_SESSIONS": "The starting time for these sessions has already passed.", "HOW_TO_UPDATE_SESSIONS": "How would you like to update the sessions?", "SESSION_CAN_BE_SCHEDULED": "Sessions that can be rescheduled", "SESSION_CAN_BE_CANCELED": "Sessions that can be cancelled", "RESCHEDULE_SELECTED_SESSIONS": "Reschedule selected sessions", "KEEP_THE_SESSION": "Keep the sessions", "SESSIONS_THAT_CAN_CANCELED": "Sessions that can be cancelled", "BOOKING_ALREADY_CONFIRMED": "The booking is already confirmed.", "SESSIONS_ALREADY_CONFIRMED": "The sessions are already confirmed.", "SIMPLY_CLOSE_BROWSER_FOR_BOOKING": "Simply close your browser to keep the booking", "SIMPLY_CLOSE_BROWSER_FOR_SESSIONS": "Simply close your browser to keep the sessions", "BOOKING_REQUEST_APPROVAL": "Your booking request is awaiting approval.", "SIMPLY_CLOSE_THE_WINDOW": "Simply close the window to keep your time suggestions", "HOW_TO_UPDATE_BOOKING_REQUEST": "How would you like to update the booking request?", "KEEP_THE_BOOKING_REQUEST": "Keep the booking request", "MEETING_CONFIRMED": "Your meeting is confirmed", "PAYMENT_ALREADY_MADE": "A payment has already been made. No reschedule fee was charged.", "SUGGESTED_TIMES": "Suggested times", "TIMES": "Times", "SELECTED_TIMES_TO_RESCHEDULE": "Select times to reschedule or cancel", "CANCEL_SELECTED_TIMES": "Cancel selected sessions", "CANCEL_RESCHEDULE_NOT_POSSIBLE": "Cancel/reschedule is not possible at this time.", "CANCEL_POLICY": "Cancellation policy", "YOU_PAID_FOR_SESSIONS": "You paid [[allowedCurrency]] [[transactionCurrency]].", "CHARGED_A_TOTAL": "You were charged a total of [[price]] for rescheduling the following sessions", "MEETING_ALREADY_RESCHEDULED": "This event has already been rescheduled", "YOUR_BOOKING_IS_CANCELED": "Your booking has been cancelled", "YOUR_SESSION_WERE_CANCELED": "Your sessions have been cancelled", "YOUR_REQUEST_WAS_CANCELED": "Your booking request has been cancelled", "CANCELLATION_NOT_POSSIBLE_TITLE": "Cancelling is not possible at this time.", "CANCELLATION_NOT_POSSIBLE": "Please contact the meeting organiser to cancel the booking.", "TOTAL_REFUND_AMOUNT": "Total refund: [[REFUND_AMT]]", "REFUNDED_AS_FOLLOWS": "You will be refunded as follows:", "YOU_PAID_FOR_MEETING": "You paid [[SER_PRICE]] for [[NO_OF_SESSIONS]] [[SESSIONS_TEXT]]. The relative cost of each session is [[RELATIVE_COST]].", "TOTAL_RESCHEDULE_FEE": "Total reschedule fee: [[IS_DECIMAL_ALLOWED_CURRENCY]] [[currency]]", "RESCHEDULE_FEE_CHARGES": "If you reschedule the [[SESSIONS_TEXT]] you selected, you will be charged as follows: [[MEETING_TIME_STRING]]", "BOOKING_UPDATED": "Your [[bookingText]] has been updated. All attendees have been notified", "BOOKING_UPDATED_WITH_BOOKING_TEXT": "Your [[bookingText]] is confirmed [[statusText]]. The [[bookText]] details will be sent to the email you provided.", "SHARE_BRIEFINGS": "To share a Briefing deck or other material please email briefing@forrester.com.", "YOUR_SESSION_HAVE_BEEN_RESCHEDULED": "Your sessions have been rescheduled [[statusText]]. A confirmation has been sent to your email address.", "YOUR_SESSION_ARE_CONFIRMED": "Your sessions are confirmed [[statusText]]. The [[bookingText]] details will be sent to the email you provided.", "YOUR_BOOKING_IS_CONFIRMED": "Your [[bookingText]] is confirmed [[statusText]]. The [[bookText]] details will be sent to the email you provided.", "YOU_PAID_FOR": "You paid [[serPrice]] for [[length]] sessions. The relative cost of each session is [[relativecost]].", "YOU_RECEIVED_REFUND": "You received a refund as follows", "BOOKING_HAS_BEEN_RESCHEDULED": "Your [[bookingOrSession]] has been rescheduled. The [[bookingText]] details will be sent to the email you provided.", "BOOKING_HAS_RESCHEDULED": "Your [[bookingText]] has been rescheduled. The [[bookText]] details will be sent to the email you provided.", "LOADING": "Loading", "KEEP_TAB_TEXT": "Keep", "RESCHEDULE_TAB_TEXT": "Reschedule", "CANCEL_TAB_TEXT": "Cancel", "KEEP_BOOKING": "Keep the booking", "EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_SENT": "An email confirming the cancellation was sent to", "SECURE_EMAIL": "your email address.", "SMS_CONFIRMATION_SENT": "An SMS confirming the cancellation was sent to", "SECURE_MOBILE_PHONE": "your mobile phone", "CANCELED_TEXT": "Cancelled", "RESCHEDULE_REQUIRED": "Reschedule required", "RESCHEDULED_TEXT": "Rescheduled", "NO_SHOW": "No-show", "SCHEDULED_TEXT": "Scheduled", "COMPLETED_TEXT": "Completed", "CANCEL_SELECTED": "Cancel selected [[sessionsText]]", "KEEP_SELECTED": "Keep selected [[sessionsText]]", "GOOGLE_SEARCH_LINK": "http://maps.google.com/?q=", "MAP": "Map", "LOCATION_LABEL": "Location", "ANALYST_LABEL": "Analyst", "REFUND_LABEL": "Refund", "RESCHEDULE_POLICY": "Reschedule policy", "RESCHEDULE_TEXT": "Reschedule", "PAYMENT": "Payment", "SESSIONS_THAT_CANNOT_BE_RESCHEDULED": "Sessions that cannot be rescheduled", "SESSIONS_THAT_CANNOT_BE_CANCELED": "Sessions that cannot be cancelled", "REASON_OF_CANCELING": "Reason for cancelling", "I_WILL_KEEP_ORIGINAL": "No thanks, I will keep the original time", "KEEP_SESSIONS": "Keep the sessions", "REMOVE_EVENT_MANUALLY": "If this event is in your calendar, please remove it manually.", "BOOKING_MARKED_AS_CANCELED": "The events on your [[email]] calendar were marked as cancelled.", "BOOKING_MARKED_AS_CANCELED_SECURE": "The events on your calendar were marked as cancelled.", "REMOVE_EVENTS_MANUALLY": "If these events are in your calendar, please remove them manually.", "AUTO_KEEP": "Keep this confirmed booking unchanged", "AUTO_RESCHEDULE": "Reschedule this booking", "AUTO_CANCEL": "Cancel this booking", "APPROVAL_KEEP": "Keep this booking request", "APPROVAL_RESCHEDULE": "Reschedule this booking request", "APPROVAL_CANCEL": "Cancel this booking request", "SESSION_KEEP_ONE": "Keep this session unchanged", "SESSION_KEEP_MULTI": "Keep these sessions unchanged", "SESSION_RESCHEDULE_ONE": "Reschedule this session", "SESSION_RESCHEDULE_MULTI": "Reschedule these sessions", "SESSION_CANCEL_ONE": "Cancel this session", "SESSION_CANCEL_MULTI": "Cancel these sessions", "RESCHEDULE_AND_PAY": "Reschedule and pay the fee", "KEEP_ORIGINAL_TIME": "Keep the original time and do not reschedule", "CLOSE_TEXT_FOR_BREIFING": "No", "SUCCESS_TEXT_FOR_BREIFING": "Yes", "EVENT_ALREADY_CANCELED_RESCHEDULED": "This event has already been cancelled or rescheduled", "SEE_LATEST_NOTIFICATIONS": "See the latest notification for details", "CANCEL_ALERT_FOR_CUSTOMER_GUESTS": "Please note: Cancelling this meeting will affect all participants", "RESCHEDULED_ALERT_FOR_CUSTOMER_GUESTS": "Please note: Rescheduling this meeting will affect all participants", "HAVE_SESSION": "sessions have", "TIMEZONE_REGION_NOT_SELECTED": "Timezone not selected", "KEEP_SELECTED_SESSIONS_UNCHANGED": "Keep the selected sessions unchanged", "KEEP_SELECTED_SESSION_UNCHANGED": "Keep the selected session unchanged", "CANCEL_THE_SELECTED_SESSIONS_WITHOUT_REFUND": "Cancel the selected sessions without an immediate refund", "CANCEL_THE_SELECTED_SESSION_WITHOUT_REFUND": "Cancel the selected session without an immediate refund" }, "PAYMENT_PAGE": { "PAY_WITH_TEXT": "Pay with debit/credit card", "PAY_OR_TEXT": "Or", "PAYAL_TEXT": "pay with PayPal", "CONFIGURED_TEXT": "Preparing for payment… Please wait", "WAITING_TEXT": "Waiting for payment…", "MINUTES": "minutes", "COUNTER_TEXT": "You have [[COUNTER]] to pay for your booking", "DONT_CLOSE": "Do not close or refresh this page", "NOT_COMPLETED": "Payment was not completed.", "15_EXCEEDED": "The 15 minutes time limit was exceeded.", "20_EXCEEDED": "The 20 minutes time limit was exceeded.", "NOT_CONFIRMED": "Your booking was not confirmed.", "RESTART": "Restart the scheduling process", "COMPLETE": "Payment complete.", "CONFIRMED": "Your booking is confirmed.", "SESSIONS": "sessions", "RESCHEDULE_FEE": "Reschedule fee", "FOR": "for", "PAYMENT_FOR": "Please make your payment for", "PAGE_LOADING": "Loading… Please wait", "PREP_PAYMENT": "Preparing for payment", "PAYMENT": "Payment", "INTEGRATION_ERROR": "There seems to be some error.", "GENERIC_ERROR": "The booking cannot be completed due to a temporary connection issue. Please try again later.", "GENERIC_ERROR_TEXT": "Unable to complete booking", "OK": "OK", "CLOSE": "Close", "NOT_AVAILABLE": "Time is not available", "DOUBLE_BOOKING": "We are sorry, but this time was just booked and is no longer available.[[LINEBREAK]]Please click Close to select a new date and time.", "LOADING_DELAY_TEXT": "Still preparing... this may take a few more seconds", "LOGIN_PAYPAL": "Login to PayPal", "FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Forgot your password?", "CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Create an account", "POLICIES": "Policies", "TERMS": "Terms", "PRIVACY": "Privacy", "FEEDBACK": "Feedback", "YEAR_TAG": "© 1999 - 2018", "WELCOME_BACK": "Welcome back, John!", "SHIP_TO": "Ship to", "JOHN_NAME": "John Doe", "SAN_JOSE": "2211 North First Street, San Jose, CA, 95131", "PAY_WITH": "Pay with", "MASTER_CARD": "Credit/Debit Card: MasterCard", "MASTER_NUMBER": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1111", "PAYPAL_CREDIT": "Get $10 back and 6 months to pay with PayPal Credit®", "CREDIT_APPROVAL": "Subject to credit approval.", "SEE_TERMS": "See Terms", "APPLY_NOW": "Apply Now", "TRANSACTION": "This transaction will appear on your statement as PayPal Merchant.", "CONTINUE": "Continue", "GUEST_CHECKOUT": "PayPal Guest Checkout", "FINANCIAL_DETAIL": "We don't share your financial details with the merchant.", "USA": "United States", "BILLING_ADDRESS": "Ship to my billing address", "CA": "CA", "CONTACT_INFORMATION": "Contact information", "MOBILE": "Mobile", "FACILITATIR": "Cancel and return to test facilitator’s Test Store" }, "ERROR_PAGE": { "NO_TIMES_ERROR": { "TITLE": "No times are currently available.", "DESCRIPTION": "Please contact the person you would like to schedule with.", "SELECT_ANOTHER_OPTION": "Select a different option" }, "FORRESTER_ERROR": { "TITLE": "Sorry, meetings cannot be scheduled at this time.", "DESCRIPTION": "Please contact [[inquiryLink]] for assistance." }, "MEETING_EXPIRED": { "TITLE": "Sorry! The times you suggested have already passed" }, "MBP_ONETIMELINK_ERROR": { "TITLE": "The scheduling link is no longer valid." } }, "BOOKING_PAGE_DELETED": { "TITLE": "This page has been removed by the owner.", "DESCRIPTION": "Please contact the owner directly." } }