{ "1": { "id": "1", "country": "(UTC/GMT)", "regions": "" }, "2": { "id": "2", "country": "Afghanistan", "regions": "Kabul" }, "3": { "id": "3", "country": "Albanien", "regions": "Tirana" }, "4": { "id": "4", "country": "Algerien", "regions": "Algier" }, "5": { "id": "5", "country": "Amerikanisch-Samoa", "regions": "Pago Pago" }, "6": { "id": "6", "country": "Andorra", "regions": "Andora la Vella" }, "7": { "id": "7", "country": "Angola", "regions": "Luanda" }, "8": { "id": "8", "country": "Anguilla", "regions": "Crocus Hill" }, "9": { "id": "9", "country": "Antigua und Barbuda", "regions": "Saint Johns" }, "10": { "id": "10", "country": "Argentinien", "regions": "East (Buenos Aires)" }, "11": { "id": "11", "country": "Armenien", "regions": "Jerewan" }, "12": { "id": "12", "country": "Aruba", "regions": "Oranjestad" }, "13": { "id": "13", "country": "Australien", "regions": "Westaustralien (Perth)" }, "14": { "id": "14", "country": "Australien", "regions": "Nordterritorium (Darwin, Alice Springs)" }, "15": { "id": "15", "country": "Australien", "regions": "Südaustralien (Adelaide)" }, "16": { "id": "16", "country": "Australien", "regions": "New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmanien (Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Hobart)" }, "17": { "id": "17", "country": "Australien", "regions": "Queensland (Brisbane, Cairns)" }, "18": { "id": "18", "country": "Österreich", "regions": "Wien, Salzburg" }, "19": { "id": "19", "country": "Aserbaidschan", "regions": "Baku" }, "20": { "id": "20", "country": "Bahamas", "regions": "Nassau" }, "21": { "id": "21", "country": "Bahrain", "regions": "Manama" }, "22": { "id": "22", "country": "Bangladesch", "regions": "Dhaka" }, "23": { "id": "23", "country": "Barbados", "regions": "Bridgetown" }, "24": { "id": "24", "country": "Weißrussland", "regions": "Minsk" }, "25": { "id": "25", "country": "Belgien", "regions": "Brüssel" }, "26": { "id": "26", "country": "Belize", "regions": "Belize City" }, "27": { "id": "27", "country": "Benin", "regions": "Cotonou" }, "28": { "id": "28", "country": "Bermuda", "regions": "Hamilton" }, "29": { "id": "29", "country": "Bhutan", "regions": "Thimphu" }, "30": { "id": "30", "country": "Bolivien", "regions": "La Paz" }, "31": { "id": "31", "country": "Bosnien und Herzegowina", "regions": "Sarajevo" }, "32": { "id": "32", "country": "Botswana", "regions": "Gaborone" }, "33": { "id": "33", "country": "Brasilien", "regions": "Fernando de Noronha (Vila dos Remedios)" }, "34": { "id": "34", "country": "Brasilien", "regions": "Ostbrasilien (Fortaleza , Recife, Salvador)" }, "35": { "id": "35", "country": "Brasilien", "regions": "Zentralbrasilien (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Brasilien)" }, "36": { "id": "36", "country": "Brasilien", "regions": "Nordbrasilien (Porto Velho, Boa Vista)" }, "37": { "id": "37", "country": "Brasilien", "regions": "Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul (Cuiaba, Campo Grande)" }, "39": { "id": "39", "country": "Brunei Darussalam", "regions": "Bandar Seri Begawan" }, "40": { "id": "40", "country": "Bulgarien", "regions": "Sofia" }, "41": { "id": "41", "country": "Burkina Faso", "regions": "Ouagadougou" }, "42": { "id": "42", "country": "Burundi", "regions": "Bujumbura" }, "43": { "id": "43", "country": "Kambodscha", "regions": "Phnom Penh" }, "44": { "id": "44", "country": "Kamerun", "regions": "Yaoundé" }, "46": { "id": "46", "country": "Kanada", "regions": "Zeit Neufundland (St. Johns)" }, "47": { "id": "47", "country": "Kanada", "regions": "Atlantic Time (Halifax, Fredericton)" }, "49": { "id": "49", "country": "Kanada", "regions": "Atlantic Time - ohne Sommerzeit (Blanc-Sablon)" }, "50": { "id": "50", "country": "Kanada", "regions": "Eastern Time (Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa)" }, "51": { "id": "51", "country": "Kanada", "regions": "Central Time (Winnipeg)" }, "53": { "id": "53", "country": "Kanada", "regions": "Central Time - ohne Sommerzeit (Regina, Saskatoon)" }, "55": { "id": "55", "country": "Kanada", "regions": "Mountain Time (Edmonton, Calgary)" 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}, "69": { "id": "69", "country": "Kongo", "regions": "Brazzaville" }, "70": { "id": "70", "country": "Kongo, Demokratische Republik", "regions": "Eastern (Kananga, Kolwezi, Lubumbashi, Mbuji-Mayi)" }, "71": { "id": "71", "country": "Kongo, Demokratische Republik", "regions": "Western (Kinshasa)" }, "72": { "id": "72", "country": "Cookinseln", "regions": "Rarotonga" }, "73": { "id": "73", "country": "Costa Rica", "regions": "San Jose" }, "74": { "id": "74", "country": "Elfenbeinküste", "regions": "Abidjan" }, "75": { "id": "75", "country": "Kroatien", "regions": "Zagreb" }, "76": { "id": "76", "country": "Kuba", "regions": "Havana" }, "77": { "id": "77", "country": "Zypern", "regions": "Nikosia" }, "78": { "id": "78", "country": "Tschechische Republik", "regions": "Prag" }, "79": { "id": "79", "country": "Dänemark", "regions": "Kopenhagen" }, "80": { "id": "80", "country": "Dschibuti", "regions": "Dschibuti" }, "81": { "id": "81", "country": "Dominica", "regions": "Roseau" }, "82": { "id": "82", "country": "Dominikanische Republik", "regions": "Santo Domingo" }, "83": { "id": "83", "country": "Ecuador", "regions": "Quito" }, "84": { "id": "84", "country": "Ecuador - Galapagosinseln", "regions": "Galapagosinseln" }, "85": { "id": "85", "country": "Ägypten", "regions": "Kairo" }, "86": { "id": "86", "country": "El Salvador", "regions": "San Salvador" }, "87": { "id": "87", "country": "Äquatorialguinea", "regions": "Malabo" }, "88": { "id": "88", "country": "Eritrea", "regions": "Asmara" }, "89": { "id": "89", "country": "Estland", "regions": "Tallinn" }, "90": { "id": "90", "country": "Äthiopien", "regions": "Addis Abeba" }, "91": { "id": "91", "country": "Falklandinseln (Malwinen)", "regions": "Port Stanley" }, "92": { "id": "92", "country": "Färöer", "regions": "Tórshavn" }, "93": { "id": "93", "country": "Fidschi", "regions": "Suva" }, "94": { "id": "94", "country": "Finnland", "regions": "Helsinki" }, "95": { "id": "95", "country": "Frankreich", "regions": "Paris" }, "96": { "id": "96", "country": "Französisch Guyana", "regions": "Cayenne" }, "97": { "id": "97", "country": "Französisch Polynesien", "regions": "Gambierinseln" }, "98": { "id": "98", "country": "Französisch Polynesien", "regions": "Marquesas Islands" }, "99": { "id": "99", "country": "Französisch Polynesien", "regions": "Gesellschaftsinseln (mit Tahiti), Tuamotu-Archipel, Tubuai" }, "100": { "id": "100", "country": "Gabun", "regions": "Libreville" }, "101": { "id": "101", "country": "Gambia", "regions": "Banjul" }, "102": { "id": "102", "country": "Georgien", "regions": "Tiflis" }, "103": { "id": "103", "country": "Deutschland", "regions": "Berlin, Bonn, Frankfurt" }, "104": { "id": "104", "country": "Ghana", "regions": "Accra" }, "105": { "id": "105", "country": "Gibraltar", "regions": "Gibraltar" }, "106": { "id": "106", "country": "Griechenland", "regions": "Athen" }, "107": { "id": "107", "country": "Grönland", "regions": "Ittoqqortoormiit, Nerlerit Inaat (Scoresbysund)" }, "108": { "id": "108", "country": "Grönland", "regions": "Grönland (Nuuk)" }, "109": { "id": "109", "country": "Grönland", "regions": "Thule Air Base" }, "110": { "id": "110", "country": "Grenada", "regions": "Saint Georges" }, "111": { "id": "111", "country": "Guadeloupe", "regions": "Pointe-a-Pitre" }, "112": { "id": "112", "country": "Guam", "regions": "Hagåtña" }, "113": { "id": "113", "country": "Guatemala", "regions": "Guatemala-Stadt" }, "114": { "id": "114", "country": "Guinea", "regions": "Conakry" }, "115": { "id": "115", "country": "Guinea-Bissau", "regions": "Bissau" }, "116": { "id": "116", "country": "Guyana", "regions": "Georgetown" }, "117": { "id": "117", "country": "Haiti", "regions": "Port-au-Prince" }, "118": { "id": "118", "country": "Honduras", "regions": "Tegucigalpa" }, "119": { "id": "119", "country": "Hongkong", "regions": "Hongkong" }, "120": { "id": "120", "country": "Ungarn", "regions": "Budapest" }, "121": { "id": "121", "country": "Island", "regions": "Reykjavik" }, "122": { "id": "122", "country": "Indien", "regions": "New Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai" }, "123": { "id": "123", "country": "Indonesien", "regions": "Central (Denpasar, Banjarmasin, Kupang, Makassar)" }, "124": { "id": "124", "country": "Indonesien", "regions": "Eastern (Ambon, Jayapura)" }, "125": { "id": "125", "country": "Indonesien", "regions": "Western (Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya)" }, "126": { "id": "126", "country": "Iran, Islamische Republik", "regions": "Teheran" }, "127": { "id": "127", "country": "Irak", "regions": "Bagdad" }, "128": { "id": "128", "country": "Irland", "regions": "Dublin, Belfast" }, "129": { "id": "129", "country": "Israel", "regions": "Jerusalem, Tel Aviv" }, "130": { "id": "130", "country": "Italien", "regions": "Mailand, Rom" }, "131": { "id": "131", "country": "Jamaika", "regions": "Kingston" }, "132": { "id": "132", "country": "Japan", "regions": "Kyoto, Osaka, Tokio, Yokohama" }, "133": { "id": "133", "country": "Johnston-Atoll (USA)", "regions": "Johnston-Atoll" }, "134": { "id": "134", "country": "Jordanien", "regions": "Amman" }, "135": { "id": "135", "country": "Kasachstan", "regions": "Östlich (Astana, Almaty, Qostanay, Qyzylorda)" }, "136": { "id": "136", "country": "Kasachstan", "regions": "Westlich (Aqtöbe, Aqtau, Atyrau, Oral)" }, "137": { "id": "137", "country": "Kenia", "regions": "Nairobi" }, "138": { "id": "138", "country": "Kiribati", "regions": "Tarawa" }, "139": { "id": "139", "country": "Korea, Demokratische Volksrepublik", "regions": "Pjöngjang" }, "140": { "id": "140", "country": "Korea, Republik", "regions": "Seoul" }, "141": { "id": "141", "country": "Kuwait", "regions": "Kuwait" }, "142": { "id": "142", "country": "Kirgisistan", "regions": "Bischkek" }, "143": { "id": "143", "country": "Demokratische Volksrepublik Laos", "regions": "Vientiane" }, "144": { "id": "144", "country": "Lettland", "regions": "Riga" }, "145": { "id": "145", "country": "Libanon", "regions": "Beirut" }, "146": { "id": "146", "country": "Lesotho", "regions": "Maseru" }, "147": { "id": "147", "country": "Liberia", "regions": "Monrovia" }, "148": { "id": "148", "country": "Libysch-Arabischen Dschamahirija", "regions": "Tripolis" }, "149": { "id": "149", "country": "Liechtenstein", "regions": "Vaduz" }, "150": { "id": "150", "country": "Litauen", "regions": "Vilnius" }, "151": { "id": "151", "country": "Luxemburg", "regions": "Luxemburg" }, "152": { "id": "152", "country": "Macau", "regions": "Macau" }, "153": { "id": "153", "country": "Mazedonien, ehemalige Jugoslawische Republik", "regions": "Skopje" }, "154": { "id": "154", "country": "Madagaskar", "regions": "Antananarivo" }, "155": { "id": "155", "country": "Malawi", "regions": "Lilongwe" }, "156": { "id": "156", "country": "Malaysia", "regions": "Kuala Lumpur" }, "157": { "id": "157", "country": "Malediven", "regions": "Malé" }, "158": { "id": "158", "country": "Mali", "regions": "Bamako" }, "159": { "id": "159", "country": "Malta", "regions": "Valletta" }, "160": { "id": "160", "country": "Marshallinseln", "regions": "Majuro" }, "161": { "id": "161", "country": "Martinique", "regions": "Maputo" }, "162": { "id": "162", "country": "Mauretanien", "regions": "Nouakchott" }, "163": { "id": "163", "country": "Mauritius", "regions": "Port Louis" }, "164": { "id": "164", "country": "Mayotte", "regions": "Mamoudzou" }, "165": { "id": "165", "country": "Mexiko", "regions": "Süd, Zentral und Östlich (Mexiko-Stadt, Guadalajara, Puebla)" }, "166": { "id": "166", "country": "Mexiko", "regions": "Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Nayarit, Sinaloa" }, "167": { "id": "167", "country": "Mexiko", "regions": "Baja California Norte (Ensenada, Tijuana)" }, "168": { "id": "168", "country": "Mexiko", "regions": "Sonora (Hermosillo)" }, "169": { "id": "169", "country": "Mikronesien, Föderierte Staaten", "regions": "Kosrae, Pohnpei (Palikir, Kolonia)" }, "170": { "id": "170", "country": "Mikronesien, Föderierte Staaten", "regions": "Yap, Chuuk" }, "171": { "id": "171", "country": "Midwayinseln (USA)", "regions": "Midwayinseln" }, "172": { "id": "172", "country": "Moldawien, Republik", "regions": "Chișinău" }, "173": { "id": "173", "country": "Monaco", "regions": "Monte Carlo" }, "174": { "id": "174", "country": "Mongolei", "regions": "Zentral und Östlich (Ulaanbaatar)" }, "175": { "id": "175", "country": "Mongolei", "regions": "Westlich (Ölgii, Chowd, Ulaangom)" }, "176": { "id": "176", "country": "Montenegro", "regions": "Podgorica" }, "177": { "id": "177", "country": "Montserrat", "regions": "Plymouth" }, "178": { "id": "178", "country": "Marokko", "regions": "Rabat, Casablanca, Tangier" }, "179": { "id": "179", "country": "Mosambik", "regions": "Maputo" }, "180": { "id": "180", "country": "Myanmar", "regions": "Rangun" }, "181": { "id": "181", "country": "Namibia", "regions": "Windhoek" }, "182": { "id": "182", "country": "Nauru", "regions": "Nauru" }, "183": { "id": "183", "country": "Niederlande", "regions": "Amsterdam, Den Haag" }, "184": { "id": "184", "country": "Niederländische Antillen", "regions": "Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten" }, "185": { "id": "185", "country": "Neukaledonien", "regions": "Nouméa" }, "186": { "id": "186", "country": "Neuseeland", "regions": "Auckland, Wellington" }, "187": { "id": "187", "country": "Nicaragua", "regions": "Managua" }, "188": { "id": "188", "country": "Niger", "regions": "Niamey" }, "189": { "id": "189", "country": "Nigeria", "regions": "Abuja, Kano" }, "190": { "id": "190", "country": "Niue", "regions": "Alofi" }, "191": { "id": "191", "country": "Norfolkinsel", "regions": "Kingston" }, "192": { "id": "192", "country": "Nördliche Marianen", "regions": "Saipan" }, "193": { "id": "193", "country": "Norwegen", "regions": "Oslo" }, "194": { "id": "194", "country": "Oman", "regions": "Maskat" }, "195": { "id": "195", "country": "Pakistan", "regions": "Islamabad, Karatschi" }, "196": { "id": "196", "country": "Palau", "regions": "Koror" }, "197": { "id": "197", "country": "Palästinensisches Autonomiegebiet", "regions": "Gaza, Ramallah" }, "198": { "id": "198", "country": "Panama", "regions": "Panama-Stadt" }, "199": { "id": "199", "country": "Papua-Neuguinea", "regions": "Port Moresby" }, "200": { "id": "200", "country": "Paraguay", "regions": "Asunción" }, "201": { "id": "201", "country": "Peru", "regions": "Lima" }, "202": { "id": "202", "country": "Philippinen", "regions": "Manila" }, "203": { "id": "203", "country": "Pitcairninseln", "regions": "Adamstown" }, "204": { "id": "204", "country": "Polen", "regions": "Warschau, Krakau" }, "205": { "id": "205", "country": "Portugal", "regions": "Azoren, Ponta Delgada" }, "206": { "id": "206", "country": "Portugal", "regions": "Lisabon, Funchal" }, "207": { "id": "207", "country": "Puerto Rico", "regions": "San Juan" }, "208": { "id": "208", "country": "Katar", "regions": "Doha" }, "209": { "id": "209", "country": "Réunion", "regions": "Saint Denis" }, "210": { "id": "210", "country": "Rumänien", "regions": "Bukarest" }, "211": { "id": "211", "country": "Russische Föderation", "regions": "Kaliningrad" }, "212": { "id": "212", "country": "Russische Föderation", "regions": "Moskau, St. Petersburg" }, "213": { "id": "213", "country": "Russische Föderation", "regions": "Samara, Udmurtien" }, "214": { "id": "214", "country": "Russische Föderation", "regions": "Jekaterinburg" }, "215": { "id": "215", "country": "Russische Föderation", "regions": "Omsk, Novosibirsk, Republik Altai, Region Altai" }, "216": { "id": "216", "country": "Russische Föderation", "regions": "Krasnojarsk" }, "217": { "id": "217", "country": "Russische Föderation", "regions": "Irkutsk" }, "218": { "id": "218", "country": "Russische Föderation", "regions": "Jakutsk" }, "219": { "id": "219", "country": "Russische Föderation", "regions": "Wladiwostok" }, "220": { "id": "220", "country": "Russische Föderation", "regions": "Magadan, Sacha (Östlich)" }, "221": { "id": "221", "country": "Russische Föderation", "regions": "Tschukot, Kamtschatka, Korjaken" }, "222": { "id": "222", "country": "Ruanda", "regions": "Kigali" }, "223": { "id": "223", "country": "Saint-Barthélemy", "regions": "Gustavia" }, "224": { "id": "224", "country": "St. Helena", "regions": "Jamestown" }, "225": { "id": "225", "country": "St. Kitts und Nevis", "regions": "Basseterre" }, "226": { "id": "226", "country": "St. Lucia", "regions": "Castries" }, "227": { "id": "227", "country": "Saint-Pierre und Miquelon", "regions": "Saint-Pierre" }, "228": { "id": "228", "country": "St. Vincent und die Grenadinen", "regions": "Kingstown" }, "229": { "id": "229", "country": "Samoa", "regions": "Apia" }, "230": { "id": "230", "country": "San Marino", "regions": "San Marino" }, "231": { "id": "231", "country": "São Tomé und Príncipe", "regions": "São Tomé" }, "232": { "id": "232", "country": "Saudi Arabien", "regions": "Riad, Mekka" }, "233": { "id": "233", "country": "Senegal", "regions": "Dakar" }, "234": { "id": "234", "country": "Serbien", "regions": "Belgrad" }, "235": { "id": "235", "country": "Seychellen", "regions": "Victoria" }, "236": { "id": "236", "country": "Sierra Leone", "regions": "Freetown" }, "237": { "id": "237", "country": "Singapur", "regions": "Singapur" }, "238": { "id": "238", "country": "Slowakei", "regions": "Bratislava" }, "239": { "id": "239", "country": "Slowenien", "regions": "Ljubljana" }, "240": { "id": "240", "country": "Salomonen", "regions": "Honiara" }, "241": { "id": "241", "country": "Somalia", "regions": "Mogadischu" }, "242": { "id": "242", "country": "Südafrika", "regions": "Kapstadt, Johannesburg, Pretoria" }, "243": { "id": "243", "country": "Spanien", "regions": "Kanaren" }, "244": { "id": "244", "country": "Spanien", "regions": "Festland (Madrid, Barcelona), Balearen, Melilla, Ceuta" }, "245": { "id": "245", "country": "Sri Lanka", "regions": "Colombo" }, "246": { "id": "246", "country": 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